ICF Approved Coaching Certification- ACC, PCC & MCC Explained

 You can find a number of acronyms used by ICF for coaching certification. For a novice, it can make things very confusing; especially, when they are looking to pursue a career in coaching.

To help you avoid confusion and make it easier for you to choose the right coaching training program, here we have explained what each of them means and how will they benefit you for your career.

Basically, the coaching credentials are progressive, from ACC to PCC and then MCC. The level of coaching certification to pursue depends basically on the types of coaching services you plan on offering to the clients. It is not mandatory to get through all three levels to serve the clients at your best. You may achieve the result just with the first or second level.

Let’s start with the first one.

Associate Coach Certification (ACC)

This level offers a full coach training titled ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). Alternatively, you can also have at least 60 hours of coach-specific training from another coaching training program. As per the standards, you need 100 hours of client coaching experience with a minimum of eight different clients.

ACC is the foundation of coach training, ideal for beginners who do not have familiarity with a professional coach. The requirements for this level of coaching certification are minimal. Accurate training and mentoring in ACC provide a preliminary exploration of the coaching world and its foundational skills.

Who Can Take ACC?

It’s ideal for those who are already working as a coach internally in their organization. Nowadays, organizations often require internal coaches and want them credentialed.

Professional Coach Certification (PCC)

Climbing up to this level requires a mandatory full coach training program designated as an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). Otherwise, at least 125 hours of coach-specific training from another coaching training program. At the PCC level, it requires 500 hours of client coaching experience with a minimum of 25 clients following the start of coach-specific training.

The PCC level allows you to leverage your impact and skill with professional-level training, mentoring, and subsequent credibility. You can realize a substantial boost in your confidence and skills after completing the training.

Who can go for PCC?

People typically choose this coaching certification to gain from advanced training, which includes valuable approaches and strategies. If you want to start your own business or coach internally within an organization, the PCC level will be the best way to go.

While moving up from ACC to PCC skills, you show your dedication to the profession and your clients, as well as your desire to facilitate sustainable outcomes.

Master Coach Certification

This is the highest coaching certification as a professional coach, which includes top-tier applicants from the industry. To get through this level, you must complete a minimum of 200 hours of coach-specific training from an ICF Accredited Coach Training program or another coaching training program. The coaching experience required is 2,500 hours with at least 35 different coaching clients.

Who chooses this path?

The MCC level being the highest credential takes considerable time than the other two coaching certifications. This is not for beginners and requires you to have been working in the field.

Besides these facts, accomplishing MCC can, certainly, roll out the red carpet for your future as a successful coach or coach trainer. It paves the way for the creation of your own coaching, training programs, and coaching schools. Moreover, you can have opportunities for speaking engagements and authorization to produce a wide range of published materials. For these many things to offer, MCC takes time, effort, and long-term commitment.

What should be the next best step?

If you are planning to serve your selected niche as an entrepreneur or strengthening an organization by supporting its executives and other teams, having an ICF credential allows you to go a long way.

It empowers you with the tools and credibility to achieve the outcomes your future clients will expect from your coaching sessions.

To identify your best path forward and discuss what impact an ICF credential can have on your future, you can consult the experts from Coach Masters Academy. The proficient coaches provide valuable advice considering your goals and particular situation.

The Coach Masters Academy offers ICF-accredited professional coaching, training course that helps you hone your skills under the right supervision. Their transformative coaching certification program includes a quality layered learning process where the coaching competencies are forged and refined.


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